Monday, August 24, 2015

Free Streaming Movies and TV

Free Streaming TV Movies
Don’t you hate it when you feel like you never have enough money?  You go back over your finances to see if you can cut back on your monthly expenditures, and you see a few of the obvious things:   a non-fat venti soy latte, that you just needed to have because you were having such a rough day, or that movie you wanted to see because all of your friends were raving about it and were surprised you hadn’t gone to see it yet, or the little piece of cake that was your “reward” for getting all your laundering down in one day.  All the little extravagances that seem so innocuous because they seem to be so inexpensive at the time, and yet when you go back over the month and add them all up, you realize that these little, seemingly-harmless extravagances have added up to a few hundred bucks.  Enough to pay your cell phone bill, enough to maybe even pay your car payment or even rent.  You don’t bother to even look at your monthly recurring charges because your mind has already rationalized that if it’s recurring, then it’s a necessity.  So in your culling of all the little extravagances that need to be mitigated or even just eradicated, you don’t bother to look at the things that you really should.  One of those things just might be your cable bill.  You figure, “Meh, I need my shows, and at the very least I need my TV to keep up with the news.”  

Free Streaming TV - Streaming Movies Internet TV

Or maybe it’s just nice to hear that TV in the background because without it that tiny little apartment would seem too quiet and too lonely, even as small as it is.  So we shell out that $100 / month.  But you know what?  That’s a cost that doesn’t have to be.  All the things you currently are getting from that seemingly necessary cable package, is available, right now, online, and for free.  All the movies, all the Pay-Per-View events, all the TV shows, and news, and sporting events, are online for free, if you know where to look.  That’s the kicker, if.  But in this day and age, as in every other, we don’t have that kind of time, it’s simply not worth it for us to spend all day combing the internet to find the best sites that offer the movies and TV shows and sporting events that we’d like.  We’re talking cable TV online, being able to watch cable TV online for free, being able to watch Internet TV, or streaming movies, with all the free TV shows that are currently out there.  But we know that we still need (or want) that access to all that entertainment, right?  There must be happy medium in there somewhere, and there is.  It’s called the internet TV box.  It comes pre-programmed with all the channels (online sites) that have the most reliable access to all the movies, TV shows, sporting events, news, Pay-Per-View Events, in one little box the size and shape of your modem or router.  You just pay for the box, and all those hundreds of channels that everything you could ever possibly want, comes free.  No monthly recurring charge, no firmware update charge, no service or convenience charge, or any other charge that the cable company will find an excuse to ding you with.  All you pay is the internet charge that you’ve been paying all along, and the box.  The difference?  It’s a one-time fee for the box, and you get all those hundreds of channels for free.  FOREVER.  Not a bad deal.  And now maybe you won’t feel so bad splurging on that Venti Mochachino.

Free Streaming Movies and TV
Movie Streaming Websites
Internet TV Box
Streaming Sites
Internet TV

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